Boston 25 Weather

Weekend temperature swing


Brace for another chilly start this morning. Sunrise lows were some of the coolest of Fall. Highs will reach the 60s later in the day - warmer and a little less windy than yesterday. Sunshine will rule, so grab a pair of sunglasses with your layers today.

Saturday is the pick of the weekend! It will be warm, windy, and bright. Enjoy the upper 60s and lower 70s, because we don’t have those back in the forecast anytime soon. You’ll notice the breeze, and it will be annoying if you’re attempting to tackle any yardwork. Sustained NW wind 10-20 mph will gust 25-35 mph, strongest in the morning as a front passes through.


A warm front will stall to our south Sunday with cloudy and soggy conditions developing. Although a few spot showers may fall in the morning, the chance for rain will increase through the day Sunday. That rain looks to peak Sunday night and Monday with the potential for 1″+ rainfall in some towns.