We’re in for some of the coldest weather so far this Fall. Get set for sunrise 20s/30s today and tomorrow. Afternoon highs will land in the middle 40s. Yes, that’s below average for mid November! Skies will be clear, but gusty winds will add to the nip. Gusts 20-30 mph will be strongest on Cape Cod. Winds will be a little lighter Thursday, hopefully pausing the Red Flag Warning for the end of the week. Keep an eye out for some splashover and minor coastal flooding with astronomical high tides coming to town.


The chance for rain Friday and Saturday looks to be fading fast as an ocean storm is favoring a more distant track. We may see a brief sprinkle along the coastline Friday night or Saturday morning, but don’t hold your breath. Temperatures will be slightly warmer, back in the 50s and possibly lower 60s. Pockets of splashover and minor coastal flooding will continue this weekend.