Boston 25 Weather

At last, rain on the way


Clouds will increase through the day, even with clouds, highs will reach the low-mid 70s along the coast and lower 80s inland.

Foggy, misty conditions will return this evening, but measurable rainfall looks to hold off until after midnight in Boston.


Low pressure will approach today and sit off the south coast of New England for DAYS. That means we’ll have several days of clouds, drizzle, and showers. Thursday through Saturday look pretty drab along the coastline where over 1″ rainfall is possible. Southeastern MA will receive the highest totals (1″-3″), with far less moving inland. In fact, central and western MA will likely see 1/2″ or less in that timeframe. Be sure to check back as we assess the extent of rainfall each day.


Plan on a cool, cloudy, and breezy weekend. Expect building 4-9 foot waves over the weekend along the coast. Between those and astronomical high tides, areas of minor coastal flooding are likely Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Fall officially starts Sunday, and it will finally feel like it with below average temperatures. Sunday’s also the day the forecast should dry out with some breaks in the clouds. If low pressure slows down, the improvements will be delayed too. Stay tuned!

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