Boston 25 Weather

Saturday evening showers


Rain will move in Saturday evening, reaching central Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire between 8-11PM, and the Boston area by around 10PM-1AM. Total rainfall will be about a tenth to a quarter of an inch, and while there may be a brief period of heavier rain, it won’t be a washout. If you’ve got outdoor plans, a rain jacket or umbrella will suffice.

This rain comes along with a cold front, so temperatures will drop into the lower 50s overnight. Sunday brings a return to clear, sunny skies from the onset with highs in the low 70s. Expect a refreshing crispness in the air, making it a perfect day to enjoy outdoor activities in that classic early fall weather!


The upcoming week will see temperatures gradually rise as a ridge builds, bringing warmer air. Monday through Wednesday will feature mid to upper 70s, and by the latter half of the week, highs will easily reach the 80s. Sunshine will dominate, with barely a cloud in the sky, but mornings will be on the cooler side, staying in the 50s. It’s one of those weeks where you might need a jacket early in the day, but by the afternoon, short sleeves will be more appropriate. This stretch of pleasant weather will be a great opportunity to enjoy what little remains of summer warmth!

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