
The highways to avoid this Thanksgiving and specific times


NATICK — This week will have some of the busiest travel days of the year as people are traveling to and from their Thanksgiving meal. More than 53 million Americans are expected to travel for the five-day Thanksgiving holiday, according to AAA.

Take a look at the roads now. See how well things are moving, this is not going to last long.

“Today Brockton, then Boston, and back to Springfield, Mass on Wednesday,” said James Hollins of Connecticut.

For those doing some Thanksgiving travel this week like Hollins, you may want to choose your travel times and locations wisely

“I’m going to pick my daughter up in Massachusetts she goes to Salem State,” said Kathie young of Long Island. “I’m going to spend the night and then head back to Long Island till Sunday.”

According to MassDOT’s 2019 numbers, these are some of the locations and times you will be sitting in traffic the longest.

I‐90 Westbound between I‐84 and I‐495 Wednesday, or Saturday from 1-4 pm

I‐90 Westbound between I‐495 and I‐93 Tuesday, 3-7 p,

I‐495 Northbound between US 3 and I‐90 around 8 pm Tuesday

I‐93 Northbound between US 1 and the NH State Line Tuesday & Wednesday from 2-5 pm

" I drive at night so there’s less traffic and then I try to stay on the Mass Pike if possible,” said Hollins. “Sometimes I’ve experienced in the past, Thanksgiving and big holidays, the day before there’s a lot of traffic and that adds an extra hour, hour and a half on your travel time.”