
You can now order your birth control through an app

An app can bring women in Massachusetts birth control right to their front doors for free or as little as $15 a month.

Nurx, a telemedicine startup, allows new and current birth control users choose their type and brand of contraceptive. The women then answer medical questions online, enter shipping and information, and then it is sent to a licensed physician for review.

"Women should not have to jump through unnecessary hoops just to access birth control. The pill remains available by prescription only throughout the United States today, but with our app, we’re making birth control more accessible than ever," said Nurx Medical Director D.r Jessica Knox.

The shipping is free, and birth control is free for those with insurance. For those without, Nurx can connect the user with brands that start at $15. The app is also giving away a $30 credit to Massachusetts women.

The idea of the app is to allow women to access birth control on their own terms when it is most convenient. The refills are automatic.

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, in 2010, 47 percent of pregnancies for women between 15 and 44 were unplanned in the state of Massachusetts.

Nurx is already in 13 states and has plans to expand to 30 more.

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