
Woman hit by foul ball at Fenway released from hospital

BOSTON ( -- A woman who was hit in the face with a foul ball at Fenway Park Friday night has been treated and released from the hospital.

The woman was sitting down the third base line in the same area where a woman was hit by paces of a broken bat on June 5. Stephanie Wapenski is from Connecticut and took a selfie showing her sense of humor after the line drive foul ball hit her right between the eyes.

She talked to FOX25's Robert Goulston via telephone after being released from the hospital with more than 40 stitches and two black eyes.

"I was watching the batter, I saw the ball go off the bat and before I could process if it were going toward me or away from me, before my mind could wrap around that it hit me," she said.

She went on to say, "Everything just kind of buzzed for a minute and then I could just hear commotion."

She is originally from Taunton, but now lives in Connecticut. Her brother told FOX25 that she is the biggest Sox fan ever and is always watching them, especially when the Yankees are in town.

"A lot of people seem to think she was possibly texting or something," her brother said. "She's not that type of fan. No she just didn't have time to react to it."

Back in June, Tonya Carpenter suffered life threatening injuries when she was hit in the face by a broken bat. She has since been released from the hospital and is now home recovering.

Wapenski is expected to make a full recovery and her brother says she is still a huge fan.

"Yep, that will never change. She loves the Red Sox. That will never change," her brother said.

In fact, she and her husband-to-be were at Friday night's game to celebrate their engagement. One year ago, he proposed to Wapenski at Fenway on the jumbotron. And he's a Yankees fan.