On Sunday, September 22, Boston 25 is proud to serve as a partner for the iconic Jimmy Fund Walk.
Thousands will participate to raise funds in support of all forms of cancer research and pediatric and adult patient care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Walkers can choose from four routes along the historic Boston Marathon course:
• 5K Walk (3.1 miles) from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
• 10K Walk (6.2 miles) from Newton
• Half Marathon Walk (13.1 miles) from Wellesley
• Marathon Walk (26.2 miles) from Hopkinton
Walkers are treated to refueling stations throughout the course as well as a celebration at the Copley Square Finish Line, complete with food, music, and a speaking program hosted by Boston 25's Mark Ockerbloom and Vanessa Welch.
Leading up to the walk Boston 25 News presented, "Quest For A Cure," a half-hour news special presentation featuring inspiring patient heroes, cancer survivors and medical teams working on the frontlines of new treatments and clinical trials.
To register for the Walk (#JimmyFundWalk), support a walker, or volunteer, visit www.JimmyFundWalk.org. There is also a Virtual Walker option for those unable to attend the event on September 22.
Cox Media Group