Trio of college students trekking 118 miles for mental health awareness in N.H.

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From the mountains to the beach, three local college students are on a journey through New Hampshire to raise mental health awareness.

Starting at the top of Pinkham Notch in the White Mountains right as the recent nor’easter hit, those three friends decided to take a walk. Now, bundled as best they can, Adrian, Garret and Emmie are still walking, planning to trek 118 miles all the way to Hampton Beach.

“It’s an empowering feeling just knowing what you’re doing and that you’re doing it for a cause,” said Emmie Daswani, a sophomore at Suffolk University.

The three childhood friends, two of whom are now in college in Massachusetts, are raising awareness to mental health. They chose the platform, knowing the COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on everyone.

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“We just thought the highs and lows of both places would be a good metaphor for mental health,” said Garret Roberts, a sophomore at UMass-Lowell.

From the mountains to the sea from highs to lows, they’re calling it “the concept project.” Money raised is going to the New Hampshire National Alliance on Mental Illness.

“This is not the most comfortable thing I’ve ever done, but it’s growth for the three of us and our mental health as well,” said Adrian Delli Colli, who goes to school at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

With a few thousand dollars already raised, the trio said they hope to finish the walk on Tuesday, with friends, family and supporters by their side.

To donate to the effort, click here.