
World’s oldest dog: TobyKeith the Chihuahua regains crown as oldest living canine


GREENACRES, Fla. — TobyKeith is once again the world’s oldest dog following the death of Pebbles, a toy fox terrier, earlier in October.

The 21-year-old Chihuahua was again verified as the oldest living dog after being bumped from the throne by Pebbles earlier this year. According to Today, Gisela Shore in Greenacres, Florida, took ownership of TobyKeith 21 years ago when an elderly couple surrendered the Chihuahua puppy.

“The woman told me that she was in very bad health and she just couldn’t take care of the puppy. Her husband had just been diagnosed with cancer,” Shore told Today. “She was too overwhelmed. She had the puppy in a box and he was itty-bitty, maybe 2 pounds max. After hearing her story, I said, ‘OK, I’ll take him.’ So I took him — and it was love at first sight.”

Shore told UPI that the Chihuahua was originally named Peanut Butter but she later changed it to TobyKeith.

TobyKeith had previously held the title in April until a South Carolina family realized Pebbles was older and decided to reach out to Guinness World Records.

“Bobby was sitting on the couch, and friends and family started texting and calling about a story they saw about a 21-year-old dog getting the record. When I saw TobyKeith’s story all over the news, I applied.” Julie Gregory told Guinness.

Pebbles died peacefully of natural causes at her home in Taylors, South Carolina, on Oct. 3 at the age of 22.