Watch: Bear takes Amazon package from Connecticut porch

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BRISTOL, Ct. — Not all porch pirates are created equal.

Kristin Levine posted a video to Facebook on Monday showing a bear in her Bristol, Connecticut, driveway strolling away with an Amazon package delivered moments earlier.

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“Yea so if anyone sees an Amazon package in the Chippens Hill area with my name on it…feel free to bring it back?” Levine wrote in the post.

Levine told WVIT that Amazon dropped off multiple packages on her porch about five minutes before she received an alert from her surveillance system.

“I got a second alert five minutes later, and I was, like, taken aback because I wasn’t expecting anyone else in my driveway,” Levine told the TV station.

Fortunately, Levine found the package - mostly intact - in a neighbor’s yard a short while after the brazen theft. It would appear the bear had no interest in keeping Levine’s toilet paper.

“It was hysterical. Like I said, I knew nothing in there was going to be irreplaceable, so it was a fun afternoon for sure,” Levine told WVIT.