
Tradition ends after 85 years: Kids allowed to trick or treat on Halloween night

Happy Halloween! funny kids girls   in fancy dress hide their heads behind buckets pumpkins outdoors
Trick or treat moved FILE PHOTO: Kids in Des Moines will be allowed to trick or treat on Halloween, something that hasn't been done there in 85 years. (JenkoAtaman -
(JenkoAtaman -

DES MOINES, Iowa — For the first time in more than eight decades, kids in Des Moines, Iowa, will be allowed to do something that kids all over the country are allowed to do -- go trick or treating on Halloween night.

For the past 85 years, kids in the city went door-to-door on Beggars’ Night or the day before Halloween. But thanks to a severe weather forecast, kids there will be going out on Halloween itself looking for treats, or playing tricks, CNN reported.

The weather would have been partially perfect for a spooky night, a night covered in fog, but it was accompanied by thunderstorms and even a possible tornado, CNN and USA Today reported. Halloween was forecasted to be dry and temperatures in the 40s and 50s.

“To my knowledge, it has never been moved or canceled since it was established after Halloween in 1938,” Assistant City Manager Jen Schulte told The Associated Press. “However, the safety of our residents, families and children is always our top priority and led to the change in this year’s scheduled Beggars’ Night.”

So, when did the tradition of going out on Beggars’ Night start in Des Moines?

A former city parks director wanted to cut down on vandalism and have a more family-friendly event with kids encouraged to sing, recite poetry or entertain the person on whose door they were knocking, the AP reported.

Eventually, songs made way for jokes.

The city still celebrated Halloween on the 31st, but it was more family-friendly activities and adult events, just no trick or treating, CNN reported.

As for next year, they haven’t decided which night will be trick-or-treating. Des Moines Mayor Connie Boesen said before the weather forced the change, the city would conduct a survey to see if it should officially change the date.