
Fighting mice on subway platform wins photography prize


Some days riding the subway can get anyone’s temper to rise, even the mice that live in the tunnels apparently.

And a perfectly timed photo of two mice fighting in the London Underground has won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year LUMIX People’s Choice Award, CNN reported.

The image, titled “Station Squabble” was captured by Sam Rowley. It shows the mice fighting over a crumb of food, USA Today reported.

The fight only lasted a second, before one ran away with its food treasure, according to USA Today.

It was one of 48,000 photos submitted to the contest held by London’s Natural History Museum. The photo was voted on by the public, CNN reported.

Runner-up photos included an orangutan performing in Bangkok, two jaguars holding an anaconda in Brazil, a baby rhino and a Kenyan conservation ranger and finally, a group of white arctic reindeer.

Rowley said he was inspired by a video a friend had sent him that showed a similar scene of mice fighting. He said he spent a week in subway stations waiting for the perfect shot, CNN reported.