
Thieves scaling homes to break into second-story windows, police say


NEWTON, Mass. — Eighteen break-ins within the last two months. Newton Police are upping patrols due to what they call a rash of brazen crimes and now believe they're connected to a bigger crime ring.

Police say thieves are scalings houses in order to break in through the upper floors.

It was early last Friday evening when Newton Police say burglars began going house to house looking for points of entry.

"There was a couple downstairs, went upstairs and realized the bedroom had been ransacked and jewelry was taken," said Newton Police Lt. Bruce Apotheker.

With barely a sound, investigators say thieves were slipping in and out of second-story windows. In at least two cases, police say residents were home when the break-ins occurred.

"It is bold and thankfully nobody's been confronted nor has a homeowner confronted anybody," said Apotheker.

The m.o. of the 18 burglaries match the pattern of crimes Boston 25 News reported in November, in nearby Watertown and Belmont.

>> Belmont, Watertown Police investigating rash of home break-ins

"They're going after things easily accessible to them, whether laptops, computers, iPads, jewelry," said Apotheker.

Now, Newton detectives are working with other departments to nail down what they believe is a larger crime operation across the southeast corridor of the state.

In the meantime, police are warning homeowners, "If you have anything outside the back of your house where someone may gain an advantage by climbing up onto a second-floor window, we advise you to take a look around your property."

That could include ladders, garbage cans or even boxes. And remember to keep all of your windows locked.

If you have any information or have seen any suspicious behavior, call Newton Police.