
The painful story behind 'Cash me outside' teen from Dr. Phil


The foul-mouthed teenage girl whose appearance on the Dr. Phil show may have launched the internet's new favorite meme. But in truth she's just a

Boynton Beach, Florida, kid

who is the product of a dramatically severed relationship, according to more than a decade's worth of Palm Beach County court documents.


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Danielle Bregoli, the 13-year-old girl whose catchphrase – "Cash me outside, howbow dah?" – has brought 3.4 million followers to her Instagram page, is the daughter of a Palm Beach Sheriff's deputy.

In an exclusive interview with The Palm Beach Post, Ira Peskowitz expressed outrage at the crude images and videos featuring his daughter all over the internet.

"That behavior is appalling. And it's appalling that anyone can think it is acceptable behavior. And Dr. Phil? Shame on him," Peskowitz told The Palm Beach Post this week as his daughter was scheduled to make a second appearance on the TV show.

Read the full story.