The mysterious case of the stolen car and the graffiti

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WORCESTER, Mass. — Worcester Police see a lot of things here on busy Highland Street, near Main Street.

But what they found here Saturday was unique: a 2014 Audi Q-3 SUV parked in the street and no one with the vehicle.

A witness told Worcester police that the car was right in the middle of the road for about an hour with the emergency flashers on. When the tow truck driver got there, they found the note.

The note reads, in part, "To whom it may concerns (sic) I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Need to borrow for emergency situation. Why'd you leave the keys in your car?"

Jay Senior is the towing operations manager at Early's on Park Avenue, where the SUV was towed.

"We never see something like this," Senior told Boston 25 News.

It turns the apology note was just the beginning. There was a bag of marijuana remnants on the front seat. And the car's interior was covered in graffiti.

Enough to make it look like a middle schooler's notebook.

In the back seat, someone left a sharpie

"There's vulgarity in there," Senior said. "There's a little bit of everything."

Police say the car was stolen early Wednesday morning from Poplar Street, just under two miles from where it was found three days later.

"This is not acceptable. they need to learn to respect other people's property," the owner, who didn't want to be identified, said.

He told Boston 25 News his wife was fired when she told her boss important papers she left in the car were gone. He said he wants to press charges and that apology note doesn't help.

"It's a slap in the face. They say, oh we take your car, oh I'm sorry we damaged your nice car," he said. "I feel -- very, very disrespectful those kids."

As far as the SUV goes, it will be up to the insurance company to decide if the permanent marker has permanently damaged the vehicle.