
Teen as Boston Children’s Hospital receives Christmas cards from around the world

BOSTON — Dancing with his nurses at Boston Children’s Hospital always puts a big smile on 16-year-old Alex Rogers’ face, so does receiving Christmas cards.

“There are machines and beeping and all this craziness going on and he’d still say do I have any mail?” said Cassie Placido, Alex’s mother.

Alex, who has Down syndrome, is receiving treatment for a bone marrow transplant. It includes transfusion treatment 24 hours a day. Alex was admitted to Boston Children’s on November 29 for a 28-day stay. That means he won’t be home to celebrate Christmas with his family. “I think the most difficult part is that he does it with a smile and he doesn’t complain and that’s actually more heartbreaking because I know inside it’s got to be hurting,” Placido said.

Since being diagnosed with leukemia in April, Alex has been in the hospital for about 150 days. His mother, Beth Rogers, said during a 77-day hospital stretch over the summer receiving cards was one of the only things that got Alex through the difficult time. Christmas is Alex’s favorite holiday, so he’s asking for Christmas cards as a way to cheer up.

“It makes him feel good. It makes him feel loved and cared about,” Rogers said.

Alex’s hospital room is covered with cards from all over the United States and some even coming from as far away as Australia. So far, Alex has received nearly one-thousand cards. He looks at each one and many of them have personal notes of encouragement.

If you would like to send a card or gift to Alex this holiday season you can mail them to the following address:

Alex Rogers

60 Sullivan Ave.

Somerset, MA 02725

There is also a Go Fund Me account set up at:

Fundraiser for Elizabeth Rogers by Erin Taylor: Superhero Alex needs our support during his fight (

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