
State trooper suspended with pay over assault allegations


BOSTON — A Massachusetts State Police trooper has been suspended with pay after allegations of assault and battery surfaced, his attorney says.

Boston 25 News was able to confirm that police were called to Dorset Hall in Dorchester on Dec. 1 at midnight for an aggravated assault and battery incident.

We've learned Trooper Matthew Hickey was not arrested that night but is now facing charges in connection to that incident.

According to Hickey's attorney, Michael Doolin, Hickey did visit Dorset Hall earlier this month but claims no assault took place on that night.

"He was out that night with friends he didn’t do anything wrong we fully expect he’s going to be exonerated of these charges," said Doolin. "Our side of this is that he didn’t kick anybody and he didn’t assault anybody we fully expect he’s going to be acquitted of these charges.”

Doolin said he cannot comment on the details of that night and what sparked a possible altercation between Hickey and another person.

While no arrests were made in the Dorset Hall incident, the police report from that night mentions a personal weapon (hand, foot, etc.) was used.

Boston Police say they cannot confirm any witnesses, victims or suspects from their report given no one was arrested.

"I’m not going to comment at this point on that it’s too early on in our investigation," said Doolin. "At this point, we’re very certain that he looks forward to his day in court and he looks forward to trying this case in front of a jury of his peers."

Here is the full statement from Dave Procopio, the spokesperson for Mass. State Police:

"We have no tolerance for the type of conduct that is alleged in the complaint. We have opened an internal affairs investigation and will closely monitor the judicial proceedings. The trooper was suspended earlier this week and we are scheduling a hearing to for other address his duty status in light of a complaint having issued."

Hickey was first suspended when an investigation by Boston Police was active.

Trooper Hickey is expected to appear in Dorchester District Court on Dec. 20. A hearing will also soon be scheduled to address his duty status.

Editor’s Note: Hickey was found not guilty on the associated charges.