Skateboarder victim of alleged road rage attack in South End

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BOSTON — A man was beaten in a road rage attack while riding an electric skateboard in the South End on Thursday morning. The incident began when a man got out of an SUV and charged at him.

The victim told Boston 25 News that he took a picture of the driver's license plate as he drove away from the scene going north on Berkeley Street.

He claims the driver charged toward him on the busy street and that he was so frightened he had to use his board as a shield to try to protect himself.

"The guy was on the street and he was bleeding what are you supposed to do, just walk away?" said Richard Herold, a witness.

"He was extremely shaken up by it, you could tell. It was a very traumatic episode."

The victim, who does not wish to be named, said he's never seen rage like this before.

He was riding on his motorized longboard heading to the gym on Berkeley Street passing Tremont Street when, he says, a driver of an SUV accused him of being in the way. That verbal confrontation quickly turning physical.

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"Getting out of your car and punching somebody and punching him on the ground […] that's not an accident," he said.

Herold sanitized the victim’s cuts and scrapes over on nearby Chandler Street, bandaging him up after police had been called.

"The amount of blood that was coming out [of] him was pretty severe," Herold said.

The victim said most of his visible injuries are from the fall he took in a moment of panic trying to escape the aggressive driver. He also accuses the irate driver of punching him repeatedly once he was on the ground.

"He just wanted justice for himself,” Herold said. "He wanted to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

"The fact that they deemed it necessary to abuse this person just because you didn't like what they were doing, there's no room for that in this world."

Boston Police confirmed they are investigating the reported assault, calling it an active and on-going investigation. As of now, police have not said if they have obtained any information on the driver of silver Ford Escape – based on the license plate provided by the victim.