'Stay away from sharks': Survivor meets with doctors who saved him after attack

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The New York man injured in a shark attack on the Cape last year returned to Boston to meet with the surgeons who saved his life.

Doctor William Lytton teamed up with those doctors for a presentation on treatment and recovery from shark bites. During the event, he described the terrifying attack last August at Longnook Beach in Truro when a great white latched onto his leg.

"I felt this very severe pain in my left leg... looking back, there was this large shark stuck on my leg and seemed to be trying to twist me over and push me down," Lytton said.

Lytton, who is a cardiologist, was able to fight back, punching the shark in the gill. The shark let go, but the gill sliced right through his hand, cutting the tendons.

>> Previous: Shark attack victim says he punched shark in gills to escape

"I had this notion the gill was gonna be nice soft spot to land with my hand, which it was not," he said.

Bleeding profusely from both his hands and leg, he somehow managed to swim back to shore.

People on the beach jumped into action to help him. He was flown to Tufts Medical Center where he underwent nine surgeries in just 11 days.

The doctors who treated him say they are impressed with his recovery both in the physical and mental sense.

"What really touched me as far as I mentioned in our lecture is his resiliency from all of this. Many people will actually develop anxiety disorders from a traumatic event like this and it can be lifelong," said trauma surgeon Eric Mahoney.

Despite his ordeal, Lytton keeps a good sense of humor. When asked if he had any advice for people swimming in the ocean, he said with a smile, "Stay away from sharks."

He says he hasn't been back in the ocean since the attack, but that's only because his wife won't let him.

>> Shark blog: Shark activity in and around Massachusetts