
Boston 25 News Security Expert Dan Linskey on Cambridge park murder


CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Paul Wilson was beaten to death inside Danehy Park in Cambridge two weeks ago.

Police and the district attorney have said that they still have no suspect.

Boston 25 News asked security expert and former Boston Police Superintendent Dan Linskey for his insight into the murder case.

“Obviously, it was violent assault somebody who was intent on causing harm," said Linskey, managing director of Kroll Investigations.

Investigators still cannot say if this was random, or was this personal? Linskey shared his thoughts.

“So that’s somebody who either had some significant anger at the victim for some particular reason, or somebody who has psychological issues that could cause them to engage in that type of violence with somebody that they didn’t have any relationship with," Linskey said.

He cautioned that investigators need time.

“Forensics take a long time to process, DNA, latent prints can take a while. You need to go back and look at, 'Is there video we missed or witnesses we missed?'” he said.

Linskey pointed to another local murder case, Vanessa Marcotte's death, as an example.

“Months later, they were able to get DNA evidence from the subject that matched the scene," he said.

He understands people are unnerved by the violent nature of Wilson's death, and offered the same advice as Cambridge police.

People should go about their daily activities, but "should be vigilant but make sure they’re taking steps to make themselves safe," Linskey said.