
Red Sox fan says he was attacked by Dodgers fans following World Series

BOSTON — A Red Sox fan living in Los Angeles says he was stabbed, beaten and had his front teeth kicked out by a group of angry Dodgers fans following the World Series.

The victim, Josh Davis, is originally from Fall River and tells Boston 25 News he suffered serious injuries and is still in pain after the incident.

As a kid, Davis moved from Massachusetts to North Carolina until he eventually made his way to LA, where he's been living for the past seven years.

All along, he says, he's been a Red Sox fan, and that's what got him in trouble when his favorite team won the World Series title.

"My teeth are gone... and that's a stab wound on my arm," said Davis, showing his injuries to Boston 25 News in a FaceTime interview. "All I was thinking about was just getting away from these guys."

Davis says he was walking home alone from watching the Sox clinch the World Series at a bar Sunday night in the Koreatown neighborhood of L.A. when a couple of Dodgers fans starting mouthing off to him because of his Red Sox hat.

"[They said] 'Hey, white boy! Get the hell out of here. This is Dodger country over here,'" said Davis.

Davis says one man pushed him down and when he got up, two of the guys started fist-fighting until he was surrounded by their friends.

"They got me down on the ground, punching and stomping and kicking," said Davis. "My body's really sore. But as I was trying to get up, that's when one of them punched me in my mouth and knocked my front teeth out right here."

According to Davis, he believes the group stabbed him with a screwdriver. He says they also stole his wallet and phone.

"I don't have any teeth, so I'm very self-conscious about that, you know," said Davis.

However, despite the assault, Davis says he didn't lose any respect for the Dodgers or their fans.

"I'm just thankful to be alive, though, and I'm not going to let one bad apple - or nine bad apples - ruin it for [me] - I have Dodger friends, I'm not going to say the heck with them or anything like that," said Davis.

While LAPD confirms they're investigating Davis report of a robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, they say it's not clear if there was any connection to the game and they say the incident did not happen close to Dodger Stadium.

Police are still searching for witnesses and no arrests have been made.