
Puppy impaled by branch in Cohasset heads home


COHASSET, Mass. — A puppy that was impaled by a tree branch while hiking with her owners in Cohasset has been released from the vet hospital.

Ten-month-old Lexi and her eight-year-old sister Chloe are vivacious vizslas and are known for having lots of energy, but Lexi ran into trouble during the hike around 10:30 a.m. Thursday.

“We think Lexi jumped over a fallen tree and landed on a protruding stick,” said Barbara Field, Lexi’s owner.

The stick punctured an artery in Lexi’s neck, which caused her to bleed profusely.

“I went over and just tried to put an owner on,” said David Curry, Lexi’s owner.

Lexi’s owners – David Curry and his wife, Barbara Field – jumped into action. Field called 911, while Curry tried to stop the bleeding.

"[Curry] had his hand over the wound and if he moved, then I put my hand on the move and that's when I realized how bad it was because if I moved by hand it was really bad," said Field. 
At first, the couple tried to run nearly two miles out of the woods to meet first responders on King Street.

“I tried to carry her for a while, but I couldn't been the wound under control and carry her anymore and then we just stopped,” said Curry.

Cohasset Police Detective Harrison Schmidt and Tri-Town Animal Control Officer Brian Willard used an off-road utility vehicle to rescue the dog.

Lexi was brought to Crazy Paws, a nearby animal clinic. They were able to stabilize her, but quickly determined she needed more help.

Police then rushed her to VCA South Shore (Weymouth) Animal Hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery.

She had a pierced blood vessel, which created lots of blood clots.  The surgeon was able to tie off the blood vessel and cut the sternum to clear the remaining blood clots.

“We don't have kids. Our dogs are family,” said Field. “Vizslas are very energetic but they're the most loving dogs in the world.”

Lexi’s full recovery is expected to take up to six weeks.