
Woman dies after being hit by driver in Fort Point


BOSTON — One of the two pedestrians hit by a car in the Fort Point neighborhood Wednesday night has died, according to police.

Witnesses said they saw two people, a man and a woman, crossing Summer and Melcher streets in the crosswalk around 8:45 p.m. when they were hit by a white van. The woman was seriously injured and later died, police said, and the man suffered non-life threatening injuries.

Officials have not yet identified the woman.

The driver of the van stayed at the scene, according to police, and no charges have been filed.

Police said the crash remains under investigation.

Locals that we spoke to say recent changes at this intersection have made it very dangerous. They say the light pattern changed and now, when people get the walk signal to cross Summer Street, vehicles are also getting a green light.

Previously, they say, cars on Melcher Street would not get the green light until after the crosswalk countdown was done.

"They changed this light over here so the vehicles would come out of the street when the walk sign is on. Which made no sense at all," said Debbie Murdock.

People who live and work in the area say they have reached out to both the Boston Transportation Department and Mayor Marty Walsh's Office.

Walsh announced Thursday evening that the city will be changing the light in the coming days:

"This crash is incredibly upsetting and is a terrible tragedy, and my heart goes out to the victims involved, and their family and friends. In Boston, we take seriously our responsibility to keep safe everyone who travels on our streets. At this intersection, a plan is underway to further improve safety, and we are going to continue doing the work needed to get to zero roadway fatalities across the entire city, and make sure that every person who uses our roadways is safe."