NH offers free nicotine patches to help kick habit in 2016

Nicoderm patch (WIkimedia Commons)

CONCORD, N.H. — If your New Year’s Resolution is to quit smoking in 2016, the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services is here to help.

They are offering free nicotine replacement therapy, in the form of the patch, to New Hampshire residents who want to quit smoking or chewing tobacco in the New Year.

Residents can receive the patch by calling the N.H. Tobacco Helpline at 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visiting www.TryToStopNH.org.

To be eligible for the free patches, residents must be at least 18 years old, be ready to quit within 30 days, be willing to participate in free telephone counseling, and be screened for safe use of the patch.

"Quitting with both counseling and nicotine replacement therapy will increase the odds of a successful quit. The Department currently offers free nicotine replacement patches to New Hampshire residents who are ready to quit in 30 days and who take advantage of the free telephone counseling," said Marcella Bobinsky, acting director of DHHS Division of Public Health Services.

Making a New Year's resolution to quit smoking is a popular goal. The DHHS says three out of five current smokers in New Hampshire may be planning ahead to quit tobacco this year.

For more information about the DHHS Division of Public Health Services or the Tobacco Prevention and Control Program visit www.dhhs.nh.gov.