
NH man beaten in front yard

SALEM, NH ( -- Police say they have narrowed down at least two people who are tied to the brutal beating of an NH man.

Investigators say the man was lured outside of his home in Salem Sunday night, where he was attacked. Rick Parmeleau told FOX25 he thought it was a silly Facebook fight, that included messages from the new husband of an old ex-girlfriend.

But very quickly, police say those messages escalated to violent action.

Parmeleau says he never believed the angry messages on his Facebook page Sunday would land him in the hospital. He said he ignored the words until he heard the screech of tires.

He says then two men got out of a truck, and attacked him. He believes one man used a rock to strike him in the head, causing bleeding on the brain and a broken eye socket.

"Next thing I know, I'm being put in an ambulance," he said.

"He was able to stumble back into his yard and 911 was called," Lt. Michael Kelly said. "He was suffering from severe facial injuries."

Police tell FOX25 that they're still investigating how the social media argument turned violent. Parmeleau says he just wishes he would have had a chance to defend himself.

"I certainly wasn't looking for anything like this to happen, or would ever do anything like this to someone else," he said.

Parmeleau will have to have at least one more surgery to fix the facial injuries.

Police say the two men they are looking for may not be the only suspects. Parmeleau says another person he trusted lured him to the suspects, his ex-girlfriend.

The investigation into this incident remains ongoing, and police charges are pending.

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