
New details revealed about man connected to W. Brookfield murder case


Thirty-one-year-old Matthew Locke remains in custody, and facing charges of lying to State Police Investigators about the West Brookfield murders of Sara Bermudez and her three children. The four were found murdered in their home

Matthew Locke is not charged with murder, but Boston 25 News has obtained two restraining orders taken out against him by the mother of his child, who we are not naming.

In the first, taken out in 2009, she wrote:

"...He threatened me by trying to say he was going to choke me and strangle me... I am worried he will try to physically harm me."

In 2012, she wrote:

"He pushed me against the wall when I was pregnant. He has told me he wishes he could kill me sometimes and he is violent and unpredictable on drugs. I am afraid for my safety and especially my sons."


A law enforcement source tells Boston 25 News, there was evidence of burning on the bodies of Bermudez and her three children.

In June 2010, Maine authorities arrested Locke for arson after he admitted he set fire to a mobile home in the town of Lubec - 350 miles north of Boston.

The State Fire Marshal's Office says the incident resulted from a domestic situation and a violation of a protection order. Locke told authorities he used an ignitable liquid to light the side of the mobile home on fire while people were inside.

"They are going to follow the evidence," private investigator Tom Shamshak said. "Certainly he stands out in particular because of his history with arson. what are they looking for in the outstanding case here? They are looking for evidence associated with an arson."

It appears there is a connection between Locke and Moses Bermudez, Sara's husband and the father of the three murdered children. Bermudez was in California at the time of the murders.

In January 2014, Ware Police arrested Locke in St. Mary's Cemetery and charged him with drunken driving.

A prosecutors' record filed in court reveals the passenger in the car with Locke was identified as Locke's cousin, Mr. Bermudez from California.

The record also reveals Mr. Bermudez's mother was buried in that cemetery.