
Moms say there's 'no excuse' to not work out

TEWKSBURY, Mass. — A group of local moms is making fitness a priority without giving up time with their kids.

They call themselves "No Excuse Moms" and the concept was created by a controversial photo that went viral.

Maria is gone and I (her husband David) and posting in her stead. I updated her profile pic and it posted. While I...

Posted by Maria Kang on Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fitness is not usually a topic of controversy, but when Maria Kang posted that picture of herself in a sports bra with her three young kids with the caption "What's Your Excuse?" it caused a social media firestorm.

It's been a few years since that photo went viral and now mothers around the country including Tewksbury are using the photo as inspiration. They say they make "no excuses" in making their health a priority. Their children are part of the workout groups because the women want to serve as role models to show that fitness matters.

Jennifer Dillon leads the local "No Excuse Mom" chapter that meets every Sunday.  "A lot of moms work full time and they don’t want to pick their kids up in daycare and drop them off in a gym daycare.. a lot of people just don’t have the time anymore”, Dillon said.

The moms come from all walks of life.  Some work full time, some work part-time, and some stay at home with their kids.  They all agreed that it's hard to find time to get a work out in, but the "No Excuse Mom" program helps them stay in shape without sacrificing time with their kids.

Joining the group is free and members can go at their own pace.  There is also an online community for members to find support and stay motivated.

There are hundreds of these groups around the country, but only five in New England.  Jennifer hopes more local groups will start up soon and hopes to inspire other moms join, "just because you don’t have the same time anymore as you once did - you don’t have to have that as an excuse anymore."   

For more information on how to join, visit   

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