
Sunday’s snowstorm took many by ‘surprise’ in Plymouth

PLYMOUTH, Mass. — The snowstorm took many by surprise in Plymouth Sunday, with whipping winds and a few inches piling up throughout the day.

“It’s been a little worse than what I expected,” said Brendan Heslin. “The town’s pretty good about keeping the roads clear and safe.”

Heslin was out grabbing water before heading to a friend’s house to watch the Big Game.

“I love New England and that’s just part of it, you know, one day it’s 50 and the next day is 20 or 30 in a snowstorm,” said Heslin.

On Saturday it was 50 and sunny in Plymouth.

Sunday has been a whole different story.

“I was not anticipating the weather especially given we were sitting in a swing eating our lunch yesterday outside, it was gorgeous, but it’s New England for you, it’s what you get,” said Heidi Fox, walking in downtown Plymouth.

Luckily this was yet another weekend snowstorm when most people could stay home.

Downtown Plymouth looked like a ghost town covered in a fresh coat of snow.

“But it’s a good day to be cozy I guess for football,” said Fox.

As for the roads, most people tell us it hasn’t been too bad, but as the night goes on and the snow keeps falling, drivers need to be watch out for those icy spots.

“When we came to Plymouth from Cape it wasn’t that bad, but I know it’s going to be kind of a not so great ride home,” said Becky Alden.

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