NORTHAMPTON, Mass. — The first commercial pot shops in Massachusetts sold more than $2.2 million worth of marijuana products during the first five days they were open for business.
That's according to figures released Tuesday by the Cannabis Control Commission.
The stores in Northampton and Leicester began operations on Nov. 20 and combined sold $440,000 worth of cannabis that day. The busiest day was Friday after Thanksgiving when the stores reported nearly $480,000 in gross sales.
A total of 56,380 marijuana products were purchased during the initial five-day period.
The commission released the figures without comment.
Leicester & Northampton will share a combined $66,528 from these sales (3% tax) -- the breakdown of what each will get is unclear because the CCC did not break down the sales by shop.
— Mike Saccone (@mikesacconetv) November 27, 2018
The store openings were not without a hitch as some Leicester residents complained about traffic jams and other problems during a town hall meeting Monday.
Additional Massachusetts stores are expected to open in the coming months.

Associated Press