Mass. DPH files emergency regulations required to keep vaping ban in place

BOSTON — Governor Charlie Baker's temporary ban on vaping products will remain in place.

On Monday afternoon, the Massachusetts Department of Public Health filed emergency regulations required by a Suffolk Superior Court judge's ruling to keep the Baker administration's temporary vaping ban in place, effective immediately.

Recently, a Superior Court judge ruled that the state's ban was not properly issued and Governor Charlie Baker needed to pursue an emergency regulatory proceeding in order to allow his ban to remain in place for the time being.  This change in process forces Baker's administration to write a small business impact statement and hold a public hearing sometime before Dec. 24.

>> PreviousWill vape shops reopen Monday? Baker taking steps to keep ban in place

The filing of the new emergency regulations on vaping by DPH will be reviewed by the Secretary of State's office. That review could be completed by the end of the day Monday, depending on the size of the DPH filing, but the regulations take effect immediately.

Struggling vape shop owners were hoping to be able to reopen their doors and put product back on their shelves

Baker said last week it's all about keeping people safe.

"I don't think we'd be doing our jobs if we were out there letting the market continue to perform as it was before while these numbers of people who are severely injured and in some cases dying continue to mount, that's not good public health and frankly it's not good government," said Baker.

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