
Maine TV news co-anchors quit on air


BANGOR, Maine (AP) — Two news co-anchors on a Bangor television station shocked viewers and staff members when they quit on the air at the end of their newscasts.

Cindy Michaels and Tony Consiglio announced their resignations at the end of Tuesday's 6 p.m. newscast, citing a longstanding battle with management over journalistic practices at WVII and sister station WFVX.

The Bangor Daily News ( ) says the 28-year-old Consiglio broke in with WVII as a sports reporter in April 2006. Michaels, who is 46, is the station's news director and has spent six years in at WVII.

WVII/WFVX vice president and general manager Mike Palmer says the co-anchors' action was unfortunate, but not unexpected. He says the station will hire experienced people to fill the two positions ''sooner rather than later.''


Information from: Bangor Daily News,