
Man, girlfriend arrested for neglect after Fall River boy’s death


FALL RIVER, Mass. — A father and his girlfriend have been arrested and charged with neglect in the death of a 14-year-old Fall River boy Wednesday morning, according to the Bristol County District Attorney.

David Almond, 14, was found unresponsive in the couple’s home early Wednesday morning.

David was one of triplet brothers fathered by John Michael Almond. Officers said David and his brother, Michael, showed signs of neglect, the third brother does not live in the home.

Jaclyn Marie Coleman also has a three-year-old who lived at the apartment. In court, prosecutors said police found David and Michael emaciated, David was wearing an adult diaper filled with what appeared to be feces.

John Michael Almond, 33, and his girlfriend, Jaclyn Marie Coleman, 26, were arrested and charged with neglect of the surviving brother and possession of a Class A drug. Coleman also was charged with assaulting a police officer who tried to get her to stop destroying her cell phone while being questioned.

The couple pleaded not guilty to charges.

An autopsy is being conducted to determine David’s cause of death.

Court papers said police found hundreds of bags of heroin or suspected heroin in the one bedroom apartment. Authorities said Almond and his mother admitted to using drugs daily and purchasing heroin and fentanyl often.

Police say both David Almond and his twin brother are intellectually disabled. The two surviving siblings have been taken into the custody of the Department of Children and Families.

The pair is being held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing scheduled for Oct. 28. Police say more charges are possible after the autopsy findings are turned over to police.