
Friends for life: 23 sets of twins graduate from the same Mass. middle school

NEEDHAM, Mass. — Twenty-three sets of twins from the same class graduated from a Massachusetts middle school in a historic ceremony that was held on Wednesday morning.

Of the 454 students at Pollard Middle School in Needham moving up from the eighth grade to high school, 46 are twins, representing about 10 percent of the entire class population.

“When it came to everybody’s attention we all realized how disproportionate it was to other years,” Beth Hammerstrand, the mother of graduating twins, told Boston 25 News. “Someone said that this is almost 10 percent of their class. I think the national average is two to five percent.”

Paul Hammerstrand, Beth’s husband, added that he strongly believes all of the graduating sets of twins will “absolutely” be best friends for life.

The Hammerstrand brothers, Owen and Cal, said it was “very unique” to graduate with so many sets of twins.

“I had many twins in some of my classes. I think one time I had six sets of twins in one class,” Cal Hammerstrand said. “It was very fun to be in a class with that many twins.”

Owen Hammerstrand added, “It’s very unique seeing how many of our friends turned out to be friends just like us.”

Cal and Owen said the best part of being twins is always having each other’s back and of course having someone to play with all the time.

All 23 sets of twins are planning to attend Needham High School in the fall, according to the Hammerstrand brothers.

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