Feds: Master sergeant in Mass. National Guard caught with hundreds of child porn videos and images

SANDWICH, Mass. — A master sergeant with the Massachusetts National Guard stationed on Cape Cod has been accused of possessing and distributing hundreds of images and videos of child pornography.

Nicholas Wells, 43, a Master Sergeant of the 102 Security Forces of the Massachusetts National Guard stationed in Sandwich, was arrested Thursday, according to the United States District Attorney’s Office, District of Massachusetts.

According to the court documents, Wells allegedly discussed his interest in minors and distributed videos depicting child pornography on a messaging application.

Investigators say over 300 images and 100 videos depicting child pornography were located on Wells’ phone, along with evidence that he distributed over 70 videos depicting child pornography.

Wells agreed to voluntarily detention pending trial without prejudice following his appearance in Boston federal court Thursday.

The National Guard told Boston 25 Wells enlisted with the National Guard in April 2021 before he was removed from his full-time position and barred from Otis Air National Guard Base.

“The charges against Nicholas Wells are very serious. Criminal activity is not compatible with our values as an organization and will not be tolerated in our ranks,” the Massachusetts National Guard said in a statement. “These alleged crimes are separate from his military service and as such, the civilian criminal justice system holds jurisdiction. Any further inquiries should be directed to the Department of Justice and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.”

The charge of possessing child pornography carries a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison, at least five years and up to a lifetime of supervised release and a fine up to $250,000. The charge of distributing child pornography provides for a sentence of at least five years and up to 20 years in prison, at least five years and up to a lifetime of supervised release and a fine of up to $250,000.

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