DOJ: Former 2nd-grade teacher in Milford sentenced to 3.5 years in prison for child porn possession

MILFORD, Mass. — A former teacher was sentenced in federal court on Wednesday for possessing thousands of pictures depicting child sexual abuse.

U.S. District Court Judge Margaret R. Guzman sentenced 36-year-old Vincent Kiejzo to 42 months in prison followed by five years of supervised release, according to Acting United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy. Kiejzo was also ordered to pay $43,500 in restitution to the victims.

During a search of Kiejzo’s Milford home in September 2020, investigators found a USB drive in his bedroom that authorities say contained well over 6,000 images of child pornography, including images involving infants.

At the time of the arrest, Kiejzo was working as a second-grade teacher. It is unclear if any of the images found on his flash drive involved any of his students.

Kiejzo pleaded guilty in December 2024 to one count of possession of child pornography.

He will be required to register as a sex offender upon his release from prison.

Milford Police, Homeland Security, and Project Safe Childhood all assisted with the investigation.

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