DA: Mass. man accused of misleading girlfriend into taking pill to end pregnancy

WATERTOWN, Mass. — A Massachusetts man has been charged in connection with allegedly poisoning and misleading his girlfriend into taking a medication to end her pregnancy, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan announced.

Robert Kawada, 43, of Brookline has been charged with poisoning, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon on a pregnant person, and assault and battery on a household or family member, according to DA Ryan.

The preliminary investigation suggests that Kawada and the victim were in a dating relationship when she became pregnant.

The DA says allegedly Kawada secretly gave the woman medication under the guise that he was giving her iron pills and vitamins, but the medication “was intended to end the pregnancy.”

After the victim had been given the pills, one of which is believed to be Misoprostol, she suffered a miscarriage, Ryan said.

Kawada was arrested by Watertown Police on Friday and he will be arraigned in Waltham District Court on Tuesday.

This is an ongoing investigation being conducted by the Middlesex District Attorney’s Office and Watertown Police.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates as more information becomes available.

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