
Local high school students providing women in need with essential items, feminine products

MEDFORD, Mass. — Sixteen-year-old Melina McGovern is busy packing boxes full of essential items she’s collected for women in need.

“Altogether we’ve pulled a ton of donations and it’s just amazing to see the community support that we’re getting,” she said.

McGovern, a junior at Medford High School, and three friends are working in collaboration with a non-profit organization called Her Drive that solicits donations for things like toiletries, vanity products, dental items, feminine products, underwear, and masks.

They collect it all through contactless pick-ups and will deliver them to local homeless shelters, including Women’s Lunch Place.

The daytime shelter in downtown Boston for homeless women services on average about 80 women per day.

“I think it’s really easy to overlook just what day-to-day hygiene items can mean to a homeless woman. Being able to put on a clean pair of socks and underwear, to have some clean new toiletries, a change of clothes. All those items are so important,” said Rachel Klein, shelter manager at Women’s Lunch Place.

Many of those items are not considered essential health care products and aren’t covered by the government.

McGovern believes every little bit helps. “It also feels great for people who are even donating because they feel they are doing something amazing because they are for their community. I think it’s just great we’ve been able to get so much enthusiasm for everyone,” she said.

The teenagers expect to make their first delivery in February.

They’d like to expand and set-up boxes in schools for low-income families to use as a resource.

If you’re interested in making a donation, you can do so here.

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