
Here's why you are seeing a red X on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts


You are likely to see a lot of red Xs on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Thursday as politicians, celebrities and others support the “Shine a Light on Slavery Day."

The Xs are part of a campaign by a coalition of 16 non-profit groups that is working to raise awareness of the problem around the world. The End It Movement has adopted the red X as a sign of support for efforts to stop modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Last week, the U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee held an End Modern Slavery hearing. Actor Aston Kutcher was among those who testified to the horrors of human trafficking and slavery that still exists in many countries.

If you want to take part in the movement, go to the website for the End It awareness campaign. There, you can find downloadable resources, including red Xs.

Or, some are taking red lipstick, making an X on their hand, and posting a photo of it to show their support.

Look for the hastags #EndSlaveryAct and #EndItMovement.