BOSTON — When Jenn Glabicky isn't working her full-time, weekday job, she's spending her weekends caring for coronavirus patients at a Boston field hospital.
Glabicky works in sales for Milford-based Waters Corporation, a life science and technology company that provides, among other equipment, devices that scientists in hospitals, laboratories and pharmaceutical companies are currently using to develop coronavirus testing kits, therapies and vaccines, a representative for the company told Boston 25 News.
But Glabicky, a certified EMT of nearly 15 years, wanted to do more to help during the pandemic, she said.
"I've never been somebody that sits back and says, 'Gee, I hope they figure this out soon,'" Glabicky said. "I've always wanted to be part of the solution."
So, for the past 22 days straight - as of Monday - Glabicky has been working her regular job and then putting in two 12-hour shifts each weekend as a patient care associate at Boston Hope Medical Center.
The field hospital constructed inside Boston Convention and Exhibition Center holds 1,000 beds, caring for recovering Covid-19 patients and homeless patients who do not need acute care in a traditional hospital setting.
"It's super emotional," Glabicky said. "I came home and cried yesterday, because when you see a patient get better, it's the most rewarding experience."
With her paycheck from the hospital, Glabicky said she donates to coronavirus-related community efforts, including buying lunches for police and firefighters.
Glabicky's work at Boston Hope Medical Center isn't the first time she has jumped at the opportunity to serve. Volunteering with the American Red Cross, she has helped out at multiple Boston Marathons and in Hurricane Harvey relief efforts in Houston in 2017.
While her family worries about her health as she cares for Covid-positive patients, Glabicky said she isn't concerned about her safety, wearing all the required personal protective equipment and taking maximum precaution.
As exhausting as 22 straight days of work can be, Glabicky isn't stopping.
“As long as it’s open, I’ll be there,” Glabicky said. “And as long as they’ll have me back, I’ll be there.”
[ Read: MGH doctor shares reality of working in an ICU during coronavirus surge ]
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