
Are you ready to go back to pre-COVID ways?


BOSTON — As the COVID protocols continue to loosen, we wanted to find out how comfortable people are with returning to some of the pre-pandemic routes we had to put on hold for COVID.

But now, even the medical experts say some of those rituals are okay again.

We spent the day in Boston where that pre-pandemic life is beginning to surface.

“I’m looking forward to a return of everything,” one man said.

“The virus itself is not that scary to me... anymore,” a woman said.

For more than a year, the pandemic changed so much.

“A global pandemic. That is really heavy,” another woman described.

With more people getting vaccinated, will handshakes, high fives and not having to space out be the norm again?

We asked Tufts Medical Center Hospital Epidemiologist Dr. Shira Doron.

“My brother likes to congratulate people on being vaccinated by saying ‘Yay, you can lick door knobs again.’ The doctor says handshaking, hugging and high fives are okay again but also don’t forget that means all of the other viruses are in play,” Doron said. “As we drop masking and distancing the regular old viruses are going to come back, it would be great for people to continue to use the strategies they have learned to keep themselves from getting sick.”

We quickly learned that comfort level is different for everyone.

“I’m vaccinated now and I don’t even want to take my mask off yet because it was such a severe situation,” a woman said.

Another person told us they are not sure when they will let their guard down.

Dr. Doron said those good hygiene habits everyone learned are so critical in fighting off any virus, including the common cold.

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