BOSTON (FOX 25 / - The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston teamed up with the Rose F. Kennedy Greenway Conservancy and the Revere Hotel to create two murals in public areas of Boston.
The mural on the Greenway was created by international urban artists "Os Gemeos" and is at the center of controversy because some people think it represents terrorism. They say the boy in the mural is wearing an outfit that could be associated with terrorism.
"I don't care what it is 'supposed to be' or who the 'artist"' is, it looks like a kid in his pajamas trying to look like an Al Quieda operative," said a one commenter on the FOX 25 News Facebook page.
Another said, "if you notice the sleeve hanging down you may realize that this is a jacket (with a blue pin stripe) NOT a headscarf - which would be fine anyway, but this mob mentality is sickening."
The curator of the project, Pedro Alonzo, can't believe that's what people perceive from the piece of art. He says the character in the mural is a little boy wearing pajama pants with a shirt wrapped around his head.
On Monday the Department of Transportation did not fund the painting, rather, they only issued a permit for an outdoor display.
The mural is set to stay up until November 2013.
Cox Media Group