Fact-checking Donald Trump: Were there no flags at the Democratic National Convention?

<p>Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia</p>

Day 2 of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA — Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump slammed Democrats Wednesday for failing to put any flags on stage during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.

"Not one American flag on the massive stage at the Democratic National Convention until people started complaining – then a small one," Trump tweeted. "Pathetic."

A photo posted on Facebook by Uncle Sam's Misguided Children and posts on multiple conservative websites backed up Trump's claim.

"If you looked closely, outside of the dozens of far-left speeches, there were no American flags spotted anywhere in the venue," The Political Insider reported. "Not one."

So were there really no American flags on the DNC stage or among the crowd?

No, photos and videos of the convention show.

At both the Republican and Democratic national conventions, digital displays shifted behind speakers during speeches to show American flags.

As Philadelphia's Bobby Hill, 14, sang "The Star-Spangled Banner" on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, the stage behind him was transformed into a giant American flag. A man held a real flag on stage. A man in the crowd can be seen clearly wearing an American flag suit. Glittery American flag hats and scarves dotted the masses.

On the second day of the convention, eight real flags were placed on-stage in addition to the digital displays. Actress Meryl Streep, the final speaker to address the crowd Tuesday, even went on stage draped in an American flag dress.

The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to continue at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are among the expected speakers.