
Ex-FBI agent John Connolly says he will be exonerated

(FOX 25 / – He was the FBI agent found guilty of helping James "Whitey" Bulger from the inside. Now, John Connolly is speaking out from his Florida prison. In the interview with The Daily Beast, Connolly says he's innocent and Bulger will help overturn his conviction.

We are a few months away from when Bulger is expected to go to trial in connection with 19 murders. B it's Bulger's career as a government informant that have led many to suspect his true criminal career ill never be explored in a court of law.
Connolly, who was Bulger's case agent in the years Whitey served as an informant to the government, believes in this cover-up theory.

Connolly has been in prison since 2002 on charges stemming from his relationship with Bulger, including a second-degree murder conviction. He's currently serving a 40 year sentence.
In an interview with The Daily Beast, Connolly says "the Justice Department is going to do everything within its power to try to make sure the full story never comes out."
And now that Bulger's in custody, Connolly hopes his murder conviction will be overturned, leading to his public exoneration.
Connolly claims his lawyers have information from the FBI's recent interrogations of Bulger that will help clear his name.

As Connolly speaks out for the first time, we're getting a closer look at the Santa Monica apartment Bulger shared with longtime girlfriend and recently convicted felon Catherine Greig.
Authorities released these pictures of the apartment that include shots of weapons, guns, and the living area. The photos show the IDs the couple had in the room, and documents showing a revealing interview with witnesses including a doctor who claimed Bulger had a temper and pushed nurses around at one point.
Investigators found some cash in the home, up to $800,000.

An assortment of fake IDs and travel receipts, were also in the apartment. There was active wear, including an identical pairs of sneakers. An AARP card, an osteoporosis health guide, and dozens of books – many about Bulger himself, including one called "how to find missing persons," a handbook for investigators.
Bulger's trial is scheduled to begin in November, though many, including FOX 25 legal analysts, doubt that will happen.