
Dorchester dealership a front for cars full of drugs, DEA says


BOSTON — From the street it looked like a used car dealership, but federal investigators say the cars were not for sale -- only the drugs being hidden inside them.

There were two huge drug sweeps last week, in which the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office picked up dozens. But federal agents also made some busts, including one at a used car dealership where the drugs were being stored in the cars for sale.

The colorful banners gave every impression there were some good deals at Pacific Auto Sales, but federal investigators say it wasn't the cars for sale.

It was what was inside them.

“I’ve been living here for two years,” a neighbor who didn’t want to be identified told FOX25. “I’ve never seen no car ever move from here, so it’s suspicious.”

The U.S. Department of Justice says the small used car lot was the front for a large-scale drug ring. The feds rounded up a 20-person drug trafficking operation where the dealers were selling fentanyl and cocaine.

The Suffolk County DA's office also did a huge drug arrest sweep last week, called operation Wolfgang.

“Make no mistake, taking these guns and drugs off the streets will save lives,” Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley said.

In both investigations, the drugs were coming out of the Dominican Republic and Mexico and being sold on the streets of Boston.

Pacific Auto has been listed as a dealership with the Secretary of State since 2013. The fenced-in lot has signs warning people there are security cameras.

“When you see people over here, they aren’t buying no cars,” the neighbor said.

Investigators seized many of the cars during the raid.

PREVIOUS: Dozens arrested in drug sweeps