BOSTON — Wednesday, Boston will be at the center of the presidential campaign. Donald Trump is scheduled to hold a fundraiser downtown, an event expected to be greeted by protesters.
The event is being held at the Langham Hotel in Boston's financial district. It was originally scheduled for earlier this month, but was postponed because of the Orlando shooting.
A group is holding what they're calling a "Black-out Trump" rally near the hotel. The group plans to arrive outside the hotel two hours before Trump arrives for the fundraiser.
Many of the state's top Republicans, including Governor Charlie Baker, have not voiced their support for Trump and will not be at the fundraiser. However, former senator Scott Brown will reportedly attend.
The fundraiser will be a costly outing -- it's $2,700 for a seat and lunch. A picture with Trump goes for $10,000 and there's a VIP reception for couples willing to pay $25,000.
Federal election commission reports show Trump's campaign started the month of June with $1.3 million, while presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton started the month with about $42 million. Earlier this week, the Trump campaign set a goal of raising $10 million by Thursday.