
Delta apologizes for controversial tweet after World Cup win

( -- Delta Airlines is apologizing for a controversial tweet posted after the United States beat Ghana in their first game of the World Cup Monday.

The tweet congratulated team USA and Clint Dempsey for the win. A photo that noted the 2-1 final score accompanied the tweet. The Statue of Liberty appeared behind the 2, while a giraffe appeared behind the number 1.

Twitter users fired back, noting that giraffes do not live in Ghana.

The tweet has since been taken down and the airline posted an apology.

"As a global airline, we understand the role images play in shaping global perceptions," reads the statement in-part. "We also recognize our responsibility to create messages that are both accurate and inclusive. We take this responsibility seriously."

Delta officials go on to say they are reviewing their processes to ensure future images reflect their values and global focus.

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