
City of Boston crews clean up after flash flooding


BOSTON — Many are still in disbelief over the severe flash flooding that overtook Morrissey Boulevard in Dorchester.

Dramatic video from a viewer showed an MBTA bus departing Fields Corner after taking on an incredible amount of water.

“Cars were driving by getting stuck...the water was about...up (to) the doors,” said Wayne Mounce of Dorchester.

Mounce was getting off the train Wednesday afternoon as conditions rapidly worsened.

A spokesman for the MBTA says the driver of the bus leaving Fields Corner for Geneva Avenue stopped amid a downpour, assessed the situation and then reversed and went ahead.

"This resulted in more water entering the bus. The operator then opened the door and the water quickly receded,” said Joseph Pesaturo, MBTA Spokesman.

City workers and people living in Dorchester said one of the big issues is storm drains and catch basins that need to be cleared.

The Mayor's office says work crews were out all day clearing them ahead of the next rain storm.

“Where I work at, the storm drains are all blocked,” said Jacque Gordon, who works near Mass Ave.

Gordon, who lives in Dorchester feels people living and traveling can do their part to help, including not littering.

Neighbors told the city's clean-up has been nonstop since last night.

Meanwhile, the MBTA continues to investigate the waterlogged bus incident.