
Boston students preparing for annual MLK Celebration at Strand Theatre


CHARLESTOWN, Mass. — Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. would have been 90 years old Tuesday and as the nation prepares to celebrate on the official holiday next week, students in Boston Public Schools are prepping a performance to honor his legacy.

Boston Public Schools students are taking the lessons they learned about Dr. King from the classroom to the stage.

"The fact that black history month is coming up I thought that was really powerful because Charlestown is such a diverse school to us being a part of that is a really big thing," said Charlestown High School senior Tahari Barbosa.

The Chittick Elementary School choir is teaming up with high school students in Charlestown High rock band The Rockets for the district's annual Martin Luther King Celebration at the Strand Theatre featuring musical and theatrical performances, all to honor Dr. King's legacy.

They're pairing original music to King's 'I Have A Dream' speech.

"The music is supporting the speech and just listening to speech and going by it line by line; it took us hours," said CHS music teacher Adam Calus. "The actual words he spoke and wrote; we had a lot of good discussion about its importance and relevance today."

>> Boston Public Schools To Host 37th Annual MLK Celebration

The students say by performing this piece it has allowed them to connect to the history in a way they never have before.

"We talk about things that are happening right now and make those connections to the past," said CES music teacher Koriana Bradford.

Senior Tahari Barbosa is a drummer and was excited to collaborate with other musicians and feel King's message, rather than just read it.

"We see into what they're talking about and it profoundly really gives us the message. Like we receive it a little bit better," said Barbosa.

For Chittack fifth-grader Jaziyah Thompson, just the rush of being on stage will be enough, "My music teacher is amazing and when I see I just feel incredible. I can do anything. And as long as I tried, I'll succeed."

Boston 25 News is the official media partner for the annual MLK Celebration at the Strand Theatre. The event is Thursday, Jan. 17 and is open to the public. If you can't make it, you can watch the performances on our website.