
Criminologist on girl washed ashore on Deer Island: 'She was probably killed by a family member'


WINTHROP, Mass. ( -- Investigators say they have received an unprecedented response to the image released of a young girl washed ashore on Deer Island last week.

Officials released an an artist's sketch of what they believe the girl look's like Thursday in hopes that someone would recognize her and call police. She was found in a trash bag on the western shore of Deer Island in Winthrop late last week. Police believe she was about 4 years old at the time of her death and had brown hair and eyes.

Officials also released a photo of the polka-dot leggings she was wearing when she was found and a fleece blanket that was next to her body.

On Friday, investigators told FOX25's Bob Ward that they have gotten an unprecedented response to the image. The Facebook pages for the Mass. State Police and the Suffolk County DA's office have been getting record hits because so many people care about this little girl and want to help. They say they have received nearly 25 million views on the post requesting the public's help.

Authorities are pouring through hundreds of tips as the investigation continues. The Suffolk County DA's office said that the tips have lead to well being checks on children in several states. Those children are okay, but the search for this little girl's name goes on; as does the search for who is responsible.

Northeastern University Criminologist Jack Levin talked to Ward about the statistics in a crime like this.

"The chances are really low that she was killed by a stranger or by some neighbor. Chances are this was an intimate murder," he said.

When asked who could possibly do this, Levin said, "Well the truth is, parents are responsible for more than half of all the murders of children. And when it comes to children under five, that figure is 70 percent."

Levin says the fleece blanket found with the girl and the leggings she was wearing are clues to who may be responsible.

"I think its a very interesting idea that this little girl had been cared for. There were at least mixed feelings on the part of the killer," he said. "There seems to be some kind of feeling for this little girl, and that also indicates, she was probably killed by a family member."

<<< IMAGES: Click here to see images of the girl and her belongings. >>>

While the search for the girls name goes on, complete strangers are stepping up to help.

The printer who produced the life-like posters of the girl's photo, Johnson Reprographics of Boston, is refusing to take any money for the job. So many others are offering to pay to have the child buried.

Police say no tip is too small, and any information can help. The polka-dot leggings she was wearing were made by Circo and may have been purchased at Target. Officials are asking anyone who knew of a young girls who wore leggings similar to them, to call police. The fleece blanket she had may be the brand Cannon, carried by KMart.

"This blanket may be special to this little girl, so again if you recognize that blanket or a child who was known to carry that blanket as something special to her, please also let us know," Suffolk County Assistant District Attorney Mark Lee said.

He went on to say, "She deserves dignity here and we are appealing to the public to please, if you recognize this young child, to get in touch with my office, Mass. State Police or the Winthrop Police. Any one of us will take information about this young girl."

<<< RAW VIDEO: Click here to see updates from officials at a news conference. >>>

An autopsy is expected to be performed Friday.

Anyone who has any information about this girl, or a missing child, is asked to call Mass. State Police at (508)821-2121, or Winthrop Police at 617-539-5806.